Commands by hemanth (21)

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Check These Out

intercept stdout/stderr of another process
similar to the previous command, but with more friendly output (tested on linux)

get a desktop notification from the terminal
tired of switching to the console to check if some command has finished yet? if notify-send does not work on your box try this one... e.g. rsync -av -e /usr/bin/lsh $HOME ; z (now fire up X, do something useful, get notified if this stuff has finished).

Find all videos under current directory
Uses mime-type of files rather than relying on file extensions to find files of a certain type. This can obviously be extended to finding files of any other type as well.. like plain text files, audio, etc.. In reference to displaying the total hours of video (which was earlier posted in command line fu, but relied on the user having to supply all possible video file formats) we can now do better: $ find ./ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 file -iNf - | grep video | cut -d: -f1 | xargs -d'\n' /usr/share/doc/mplayer/examples/midentify | grep ID_LENGTH | awk -F "=" '{sum += $2} END {print sum/60/60; print "hours"}'

List the binaries installed by a Debian package
This shell function displays a list of binaries contained in an installed package; works on Debian based Linux distributions.

directly ssh to host B that is only accessible through host A
Of course you need to be able to access host A for this ;-)

Create a persistent remote Proxy server through an SSH channel
Create a persistent remote Proxy server through an SSH channel.

StopWatch, simple text, hh:mm:ss using Unix Time
Works on real time clock, unix time based, decrementing the actual time from initial time saved in an environment variable exported to child process inside watch Shows elapsed time from start of script in hh:mm:ss format Non afected by system slow down due to the use of date.

pngcrush all .png files in the directory
Nothing too magical here, just uses pngcrush to losslessly compress all your pngs!

Kill any lingering ssh processes
Also ignoring "sshd" server is necessary since you should not kill ssh server processes.

Display the top 10 running processes - sorted by memory usage
A pretty nice display of processes.

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