Commands tagged size (62)

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Check These Out

Find usb device in realtime
Using this command you can track a moment when usb device was attached.

Stop Flash from tracking everything you do.
Brute force way to block all LSO cookies on a Linux system with the non-free Flash browser plugin. Works just fine for my needs. Enjoy.

Make a playlistfile for mpg321 or other CLI player
A short variant if you have only one directory whit only audio files in it.

Copy without overwriting

reverse order of file
awk reverse order of lines (emulates "tac")

Share a file quickly using a python web server
Raise your hand if you haven't used this at least once to share a directory quickly

shows history of logins on the server
perfect on a crashed system where you can't use commands like last. for investigation purposes wtmp file can be copied over to a different server and read with utmpdump

Netstat Connection Check
This command does a tally of concurrent active connections from single IPs and prints out those IPs that have the most active concurrent connections. VERY useful in determining the source of a DoS or DDoS attack.

Print diagram of user/groups
Parses /etc/group to "dot" format and pases it to "display" (imagemagick) to show a usefull diagram of users and groups (don't show empty groups).

Adding Prefix to File name
Good old bracket expansion :-) For large numbers of files, "rename" will spare you the for-loop, or the find/exec...

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