Useful for containers and environments where you need to know if a port is currently in listen mode but you have not easy way or privileges to install net-tools like netstat or ss. "0A" is the code for listen state. The IP hex is reverse order and all in hex format. Show Sample Output
Just an alternative for `acpi -b` Show Sample Output
If you want to code without a IDE, using java may be painful to discover correct full class names to import. This script google it with javadoc word, then with some luck we got the javadoc as first item. next it curl the target javadoc and extract full name from it. Can by customized to extract other javadoc infos. Pre-reqs: bash, google-chrome, html2text and core-utils Show Sample Output gives a list of online dns servers. you need to change the country in url (br in this url) with your country code. this command need some time to ping all IP in list. Show Sample Output
Shorter and faster... Show Sample Output
Just add a format to chronometer in bash Show Sample Output
A way for tracking times in bash Show Sample Output
This command line detect ldap hosts, by mandatory dns entry, then ping them to detect response average. based on ping response average it sorts and print the faster server in first output line Show Sample Output
this command is used to locate all pom.xml files, access the dir and do a mvn clean, but I do recommend you to disable network interfaces to not download dependencies packages to be faster. Show Sample Output
echoprint identify your song, then return artist, song name and album name(release) in a JSON. jq parse it and mp3info set the data in your mp3 file.
of course it depends on:
You need to set the environment variable
You can use it with find, but probably will bypass the 120 request/minute of developer account key. So, use a sleep to do it.
Something like:
find -name \*.mp3 | while read $f; do eval echo $(echoprint-codegen "$f" | jq ' .[0].metadata | "mp3info -a \"" + .artist + "\" -t \"" + .title + "\" -l \"" + .release + "\" \"" + .filename + "\"" ' ) | bash; sleep 1; done
Access and download the last stable linux kernel release. Show Sample Output
This is usefull to diff 2 paths in branches of software, or in different versions of a same zip file. So you can get the real file diff. Show Sample Output
Remove all zero size files from current directory. Its a not recursive option like: find . -size 0c -exec rm {} \;
A simple way yo do a progress bar like wget. Show Sample Output
A nice way to use the console in full screen without forget the current time. you can too add other infos like cpu and mem use. Show Sample Output
Center the output text in max line length of buffered output pipe; Show Sample Output
pev: PE version utility, to show the Product Version of compiled PE files tarball: source: home: Show Sample Output
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