Commands by axelabs (11)

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Check These Out

Rip a CD/DVD to ISO format.
An easy method to generate ISOs from CD/DVD media.

find all active IP addresses in a network
You send a unicast ICMP packet to each host. Many firewalls will drop that ICMP. However, in order to send the ICMP, you'll have first done an ARP request and the remote machine is unlikely to ignore that, so the computer will be in your ARP table.

Convert IP octets to HEX with no dots.
Converts IP octets to hex using printf command. Useful for generating pxeboot aliases in the pxelinux.cfg folder.

reset hosed terminal

find all writable (by user) files in a directory tree (use 4 for readable, 1 for executable)

Show allocated disk space:

Convert numbers to SI notation
converts any number on the 'stdin' to SI notation. My version limits to 3 digits of precious (working with 10% resistors).

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

Display text as though it is being typed out in real time
Pipe Viewer allows you to monitor the progress of a data transfer or command, or to show the time elapsed, among other things. In this use, it limits the transfer rate of the echo command to 10 bytes per second, making your text appear to be typed out in real time as in Hollywood movies. Fun!

send incoming audio to a Icecast server (
easy way to setup an "internet radio sation", pre-requisite, create an account at an icecast server, in this example, just created beforehand an account at Change the word password, with the respective real password you created at server. Make sure to have installed rec, oggnec, oggfwd and tee. I have a mixer connected at line in, so I can mix music and microphone. This also will produce a local recorded copy of the session, it will be called "streamdump.ogg"

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