When browsing java source code (for example) it's really annoying having to type the first letter of the package when there is only one package in the subdir. man bash for more info about FIGNORE
This command will output the total number of files in a SVN Repository. Show Sample Output
Improvement of the command "Find Duplicate Files (based on size first, then MD5 hash)" when searching for duplicate files in a directory containing a subversion working copy. This way the (multiple dupicates) in the meta-information directories are ignored.
Can easily be adopted for other VCS as well. For CVS i.e. change ".svn" into ".csv":
find -type d -name ".csv" -prune -o -not -empty -type f -printf "%s\n" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -type d -name ".csv" -prune -o -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate
Show Sample Output
Number of files in a SVN Repository This command will output the total number of files in a SVN Repository. Show Sample Output
The above command will set the GID bit on all directories named .svn in the current directory recursively. This makes the group ownership of all .svn folders be the group ownership for all files created in that folder, no matter the user. This is useful for me as the subversion working directory on my server is also the live website and needs to be auto committed to subversion every so often via cron as well as worked on by multiple users. Setting the GID bit on the .svn folders makes sure we don't have a mix of .svn metadata created by a slew of different users.
* Replace USERNAME with the desired svn username * Replace the first YYYY-MM-DD with the date you want to get the log (this starts at the midnight event that starts this date) * Replace the second YYYY-MM-DD with the date after you want to get the log (this will end the log scan on midnight of the previous day) Example, if I want the log for December 10, 2010, I would put {2010-12-10}:{2010-12-11} Show Sample Output
This saves Subversion's log output as XML and then runs an XQuery over it. This is standard XQuery 1.0 and should therefore also work with other XQuery processors. I have tested it with Zorba (http://www.zorba-xquery.com). XQilla (http://xqilla.sourceforge.net) also does it, but you'd have to save the query to a file and then execute "xqilla filename.xq". The query first finds all distinct authors and then, for each author, sums up the number of paths they have changed in each commit. This accounts for commits of multiple changes at once. The indenting space in all lines from the second one seems to be due to a bug in Zorba. Show Sample Output
If you have lots of subversion working copies in one directory and want to see in which repositories they are stored, this will do the trick. Can be convenient if you need to move to a new subversion server. Show Sample Output
If you would like to ignore a directory including its subdirectory. For example, a tmp/ directory
first need to Edit the configuration file /home/cicciobomba/.subversion and under the [tunnels] add this line ciccio_diverso = /usr/bin/ssh -p 12345
Emulate (more or less) Git equivalent of
git log --format='tformat:%h %an (%cr) %s'
Show Sample Output
command to find out the unused SVN repositories from the server via svnlook. This lists the when the last commit (HEAD revision) has happened in the repository. Show Sample Output
If you have a directory with many working copies of various subversion projects and you want to update them all at once, this one may be for you. Show Sample Output
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