Commands tagged tr (81)

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list files recursively by size

List all symbolic links in current directory
why go through the hard way? use find with -type l

Dump mySQL db from Remote Database to Local Database
You can use this to dump you database from remote db to your local db.

convert doc to pdf
convert to pdf and many other formats and vise versa to get a list of supported formats, run $ unoconv --show

Find Malware in the current and sub directories by MD5 hashes
Command makes use of the Malware Hash Registry ( It parses the current directory and subdirectories and calculates the md5 hash of the files, then prints the name and sends the hash to the MHR for a lookup in their database. The 3rd value in the result is the detection percentage across a mix of AV packages.

a function to find the fastest DNS server gives a list of online dns servers. you need to change the country in url (br in this url) with your country code. this command need some time to ping all IP in list.

Number of open connections per ip.
Here is a command line to run on your server if you think your server is under attack. It prints our a list of open connections to your server and sorts them by amount. BSD Version: $ netstat -na |awk '{print $5}' |cut -d "." -f1,2,3,4 |sort |uniq -c |sort -nr

Tricky implementation of two-dimensional array in Bash.
Since Bash doesn't support two-dimensional arrays, you can limit your columns length by some big enough constant value ( in this example 100 ) and then index the array with i and j, or maybe write your own get() and set() methods to index the array properly like I implemented for example ( see Sample output ). For example for i=0 and j=0...99 you'll pick up one of 100 elements in the range [0,99] in the one-dimensional array. For i=1 and j=0...99 you'll pick up one of 100 elements in the range [100,199]. And so on. Be careful when using this, and remember that in fact you are always using one-dimensional array.

Find files with at least one exec bit set

check open ports without netstat or lsof

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