We use the "convert" command (ImageMagick package) : see man convert (http://www.ma.utexas.edu/cgi-bin/man-cgi?convert+1)
This is also perl-less, and only uses AWK as its postprocessor. Tested with GAWK and MAWK.
See who is using a specific port. Especially when you're using AIX. In Ubuntu, for example, this can easily be seen with the netstat command. Show Sample Output
Show state of NAT, readed from '/proc/net/ip_conntrack' or '/proc/net/nf_conntrack' Show Sample Output
cut -f1,2 - IP range 16 cut -f1,2,3 - IP range 24 cut -f1,2,3,4 - IP range 24 Show Sample Output
Count on a specific port (80) - FreeBSD friendly. Show Sample Output
I used this to get all the remote connection ip addresses connected to my server... I had to start storing and tracking this data so thats why i built this out... probably not optimal as far as the egrep regex but it works ;) Show Sample Output
This has saved me many times while debugging timeout issues to "too many open files" issues. A high number of the order of thousand, indicates that somewhere connection is not being closed properly. Show Sample Output
bit of a contrived example and playing to my OCD but nice for quick scripted output of listening ports which is sorted by port, ip address and protocol. Show Sample Output
Should work with sh, bash, etc. Show Sample Output
netstat will list all open ports on the system, unix sockets, tcp sockets and udp sockets. the t flag limits to tcp ports the l flag limits to listening ports and the n flag disables the translation of port to service ( ie :25 displayed instead of :smtp ). then grep for the port you are interested in preceeded by a colon. Show Sample Output
-t TCP -u UDP -n NO DNS resolution or PORT/SERVICE resolution -l state -a ? -p PORT show -o flag (keepalive, off, etc)
Show If Someone Is Connected To The Android Device On And Get Their IP Address
Using netstat & find together, found this while on stackoverflow s few minutes ago and really like it due to the simplicity and so far it's the most concise. Show Sample Output
Useful to see what ports are taken by running services. Show Sample Output
Check the connection of the maximum number of IP Show Sample Output
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