Get the longest match of file extension (Ex. For 'foo.tar.gz', you get '.tar.gz' instead of '.gz') Show Sample Output
This command is recursive and will delete in all directories in ".". It will find and delete all files not specified with ! -name "pattern". In this case it's file extensions. -type f means it will only find files and not directories. Finally the -delete flag ask find to delete what it matches. You can test the command by running it first without delete and it will list the files it will delete when you run it. Show Sample Output
Change "sort -f" to "sort" and "uniq -ic" to "uniq -c" to make it case sensitive. Show Sample Output
Renames all files ending in "_test.rb" to "_spec.rb"
If you have GNU findutils, you can get only the file name with
find /some/path -type f -printf '%f\n'
instead of
find /some/path -type f | gawk -F/ '{print $NF}'
Show Sample Output
The 'rename' command with the first argument as "'s/\.//'" and the second argument as "" will remove the specified extension from the filenames.
simulation test to see which files would be deleted: find . -name "*.bak" -type f
It tries to identify the file types in a directory and adds or replaces them with their appropriate extensions. Please, update the "file" tool before use it (last version: 5.37):
For those files in current folder that would be shown in `ls *ext`, for some extension ext, move/rename that file removing the .ext suffix from the file name. It uses Bash's parameter substitution, as seen in (for analog use in prefix, see )
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