Check the API. You shouldn't need sed. The print-newline at the end is to prevent zsh from inserting a % after the end-of-output. Also works with Show Sample Output
Checks your gmail account every 30 seconds and display the number of new messages in the top right corner of the terminal. A kind of CLI "Gmail notifier" if you will. :-) This is a mashup of and
Show external IP and geolocation information. Primary feature is the use of tee to echo IP _and_ send to geoiplookup command...Use IP as input for as many commands as you want with more >( [command] ) Thanks to Requires MaxMind DB and geoiplookup tool. Sample output has IP obfuscated on first line, lines 2-4 from having MaxMind Country && MaxMind City DBs installed Show Sample Output
Shortest url to a external IP-service, 10 characters. Show Sample Output
First get a api key for google url shortner from here Then replace the API_KEY in the command Show Sample Output
I look at xkcd in my news reader, but it displays the image's title attribute only for a few seconds which makes reading the longer ones more challenging. So I use this to display it in my console.
Plain Text Ip Output, independent of Layout change. Show Sample Output
first grep all href images then sed the url part then wget
Fetches the world population JSON data from the US census and parses it uses jshon Show Sample Output
Sets the @ A record for your domain hosted by namecheap to your current internet-facing IP address, logs success or failure with syslog, and logs the data returned to /root/dnsupdate. Change the XXX's as appropriate. More info at: Show Sample Output
Replace localhost:9200 with your server location and port. This is the ElasticSearch's default setup for local instances. Show Sample Output
This says if the LHC has destroyed the world. Run it in a loop to monitor the state of Earth. Might not work reliable, if the world has actually been destroyed. Show Sample Output
This command line assumes that "${url}" is the URL of the web resource. It can be useful to check the "freshness" of a download URL before a GET request. Show Sample Output
Download latest released gitlab docker container
curl -sLkIv --stderr - -s: silences the output when piped to a different command -L: follow every redirect -k: ignores certificate errors -I: just request the headers -v: be verbose --stderr - : redirect stderr to stdout URL to check for redirects piped to grep -i location: -i: grep target text ignoring case location: : greps every string containing "location:" piped to awk {'print $3'} prints the third column in every string piped to sed '/^$/d' removes blank lines Show Sample Output
Type the command in the terminal and press enter to create the tweet() function. Then run as follows: tweet MyTwitterAccount "My message goes here" It will prompt you for password. Make sure that you use escape "\" character in message for showing varialbles or markup.
I wasn't sure how to display the image, so I thought I'd try xml for a different twist. Show Sample Output
Requires the date command. This also works with some other comics. Here's a bash script that displays daily Garfield, Id, and Andy Capp:,crwiz,crcap is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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