Ruby version.
Also, a perl version:
perl -e 'printf("%.2x.",rand(255))for(1..5);printf("%.2x\n",rand(255))'
Can be useful to granulary flush files in a CDN after they've been changed in the S3 bucket. Show Sample Output
Ruby ftw
"-n" loops around ; "-e" executes the given quoted string ; "$_" is the current line ; "split" creates an array on white space; each item of the array is "collected" to be then "capitalized" ; the array is "joined" back into a string.
Here's how to serve a directory in one line of Ruby. Handy for sharing files at a conference, for example.
Extracts 2nd-level domain part (or 3rd level, for co.* or com.*) from the URI's hostname. See sample output. Show Sample Output
Commandline perl filter for, using a production.log from a rails app, display on realtime the count of requests grouped by "seconds to complete" (gross round, but fair enough for an oneliner) :) Show Sample Output
You can also deploy a specific tag:
cap -s tag=my_tag deploy
Ruby Version Manager (RVM) - Show Sample Output
List all dependencies manifests so you can install them. In a scenario where you want to deploy a number of web applications and run their dependency managers, how could you run all of them in a systematic order. One of the complexity is to ensure you get only your own top level dependencies. That way, you don recursively call development dependencies of your own dependencies. Otherwise you might end up discovering dependency management manifests that are already been pulled by your own projects. # Using this command This command helps me find them and I can then run what?s required to pull them from their respective sources. This command assumes the following: 1. Your code checkouts are in a flat repository layout (i.e. not nested). 2. Finds manifests for: - NPM (nodejs), - Composer (php), - bower, - requirements.txt (Python), and - git submodules Show Sample Output
Assumes you are in the branch you want to run the check on. Sub 'develop' for whatever branch you commonly submit PRs to. Show Sample Output
Similar to the perl version. Show Sample Output
When bundle install sucks ...This runs isuckat_ruby.rb and when stderror matches find gem ' it will gem install what ever is missing ... Show Sample Output . a Ruby SSH helper script . reads a JSON config file to read host, FQDN, user, port, tunnel options . changes OSX Terminal profiles based on host 'type' USAGE: put 'ash' ruby script in your PATH modify and copy ashrc-dist to ~/.ashrc configure OSX Terminal profiles, such as "webserver", "development", etc run "ash myhostname" and away you go! v.2 will re-attach to a 'screen' named in your ~/.ashrc Show Sample Output
Shows a list of all installed cows saying a fortune. Also lists the cows names. Pic your favorite cow! Needs cowsay, fortune and ruby installed. The path only applies to OS X with cowsay installed using homebrew. On Linux it might be /usr/share/cowsay/cows/ or similar. Uses ruby just because. Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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