Based / Inspired by malathion's below command Is written for python3 and is very easy to use csv2json *csv will convert all files ending in csv to json eg csv2json file.csv will output a file to file.json Validity of json tested in python3 and below site
Usage: videospeed video_filename speedchange newfilename videospeed foo.mp4 0.5 foo_slow.mp4 Range of 0.5 (50%) - 2.0 (200%) is valid.
Uses parallel processing Reiteration of my earlier command Usage lc Old_Directory New_DIrectory Old_Format New_Format lc ~/Music ~/Music_ogg mp3 ogg Show Sample Output
Music Library Convert Usage lc Old_Directory New_DIrectory Old_Format New_Format lc ~/Music ~/Music_ogg mp3 ogg This will convert all audio files in the old directory to the new directory from the old format to the new format. It will leave the original library alone. The converted library will retain folder structure.
I had to compress it a bit to meet the 255 limit. See sample for full command (274) usage: ffgif foo.ext Supports 3 arguments (optional) ffgif filename seek_time time_duration scale ffgif foo 10 5 320 will seek 10 seconds in, convert for 5 seconds at a 320 scale. Default will convert whole video to gif at 320 scale. Inspiration - Show Sample Output
Same as other command, however uses youtube-dl internal search (thanks to qoxxxx mentioning this) It does however seem to be a little buggy and youtube-dl crashes sometimes. ## pyt 'Stairway to heaven - Led Zeppelin' pyt 'brain damage - Pink Floyd' No web browser or even X needed. Just a cli and internet connection! mplayer is pauseable and can skip ahead This may break if youtube changes their search html.
pyt 'Stairway to heaven - Led Zeppelin' pyt 'brain damage - Pink Floyd' No web browser or even X needed. Just a cli and internet connection! mplayer is pauseable and can skip ahead This may break if youtube changes their search html.
Command will succeed n% of the time. ran 75 will cause command to succeed 75% of the time. No argument will cause it to succeed 50% of the time. Show Sample Output
pvl 'link1' 'link2' 'link3' Play Youtube, Vimeo, etc links without visual elements. Great for music videos when you just want the audio. You can control mplayer with this! Hit Ctrl-C twice to exit (if you're playing multiple files)
Streams youtube-dl video to mplayer. Usage: syt '' '' Uses mplayer controls
nc localhost 9876
Place in ~/.bashrc If you login to a ssh server from different ips, sometimes you want to do something specific for each. e.g., quickly go into screen -x session from a phone, but not your desktop.
Similar to entering a command, but will not erase the command from the command line. Basically a shortcut from entering command, then pushing the up arrow key. Show Sample Output
connect to it with any network command (including web browser - if you don't mind weird formatting) curl nc 9876 Show Sample Output
Probably will not work very well with scanned documents.
Client ~$ ncat --ssl localhost 9876 Change localhost to the correct ip address. Show Sample Output
#Alias alias perm="stat -c '%n %U:%G-%a'" #Function perm() { for ll in $@; do stat -c "%n %U:%G-%a" "$ll"; done; } Show Sample Output
This removes the video and subsequent file size and directly copies the audio. Show Sample Output
Doesn't create a file Make sure to list the files / directories in the same order every time.
This encodes it in ogg format. Does on-the-fly encoding of the incoming stream. Great for radio streams as they're often flv format.
You need to be root to do this. So check the command before running it. You enter the same password for Enter LUKS passphrase: Verify passphrase: Enter passphrase for /dev/loopn: ___ You can then copy the .img file to somewhere else. Loop it it with losetup -f IMAGENAME.img and then mount it with a file manager (eg nemo) or run mount /dev/loopn /media/mountfolder Acts similar to a mounted flash drive Show Sample Output
Creates a temporary ram partition To use: ram 3 to make a 3gb partition (Defaults to 1gb) Show Sample Output
Requires a listening port on HOST eg. "cat movie.mp4 | nc -l 1356 " (cat movie.mp4 | nc -l PORT) Useful if you're impatient and want to watch a movie immediately and download it at the same time without using extra bandwidth. You can't seek (it'll crash and kill the stream) but you can pause it.
Usage: t2s 'How are you?' Nice because it automatically names the mp3 file up to 15 characters Modified (uses bash manip instead of tr) t2s() { wget -q -U Mozilla -O $(cut -b 1-15 is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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