% cat ph-vmstat.awk # Return human readable numbers function hrnum(a) { b = a ; if (a > 1000000) { b = sprintf("%2.2fM", a/1000000) ; } else if (a > 1000) { b = sprintf("%2.2fK", a/1000) ; } return(b) ; } # Return human readable storage function hrstorage(a) { b = a ; if (a > 1024000) { b = sprintf("%2.2fG", a/1024/1024) ; } else if (a > 1024) { b = sprintf("%2.2fM", a/1024) ; } return(b) ; } OFS=" " ; $1 !~ /[0-9].*/ {print} $1 ~ /[0-9].*/ { $4 = hrstorage($4) ; $5 = hrstorage($5) ; $9 = hrnum($9) ; $10 = hrnum($10) ; $17 = hrnum($17) ; $18 = hrnum($18) ; $19 = hrnum($19) ; print ; } Show Sample Output
More recent versions of the date command finally have the ability to decode the unix epoch time into a human readable date. This function makes it simple to utilize this feature quickly. Show Sample Output
Lockstat will sample the kernel 977 times per second, and print out the functions that it sees executing on the CPU during the sample. The -s 10 switch tells lockstsat to not only print that function, but also show the call stack (up to 10 deep). Show Sample Output
Shell timeout variables (TMOUT) can be very liberal about what is classified as 'activity', like having an editor open. This command string will terminate the login shell for an user with more than a day's idle time.
Optionally, pipe the output into http://sed.sourceforge.net/grabbag/scripts/html2iso.sed Or: wget -qO - http://www.asciiartfarts.com/random.cgi | sed -n '//,//p' | sed -n '/ Show Sample Output
Needed to get the Mac of various devices on a solaris box, but didn't have root. This command used awk to display the Network device, the IP, and the MAC a line at a time.
you must be in the directory to analyse report all files and links in the currect directory, not recursively. this find command ahs been tested on hp-ux/linux/aix/solaris. Show Sample Output
PS: 'lustatus' gives the list of all alternate boot environments. Show Sample Output
A shell function using perl to easily convert Unix-time to text. Put in in your ~/.bashrc or equivalent. Tested on Linux / Solaris Bourne, bash and zsh. using perl 5.6 and higher. (Does not require GNU date like some other commands) Show Sample Output
Find which package a file belongs to on Solaris along with it's packaging system metadata. Show Sample Output
this works on Solaris, so not better than the "only-GNU"-tool :-( I think, there is no one-liner for this, that will work on all *nix-es Show Sample Output
Solaris 'ls' command does not have a nice '--full-time' arg to make the time show after a year has passed. So I spit this out quick. It hates spaces in file names. Show Sample Output
This find syntax seems a little easier to remember for me when I have to use -prune on AIX's find. It works with gnu find, too. Add whatever other find options after -prune Show Sample Output
The sample output shows each record/row with the last field zero-padded to 26 digits. For testing, I used (L)ine and field/column numbers.... Line 4, field2 = L42, etc up to the last field where I just used line numbers X 4. I had some whitespace-delimited files with variable-length records/rows (having 4 - 5 fields/columns) which required reformatting by zero-padding the last field to 26 digits. This requires setting NF (Not $NF) as an awk variable, with a simple conditional that assumes that any line where (N)umber of (F)ields does NOT equal 4 has a NF of 5. If needed, more conditional checks can be added, and the "NF" changed to any field ($1, $5, etc). Show Sample Output
To be OS independent you should try df -Pk first (Linux) and if it does not work (that's the ||) then use df -k (e.g. for Solaris, HP UX, AIX). To get the output in a single line, use the additional cat.
Above example is upgrading Solaris from 11.1SRU20.0.5 to 11.2SRU15.0.5. Patches are not applied options "-nv" are for dryrun and verbose output. Show Sample Output
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