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Create a single PDF from multiple images with ImageMagick
Given some images (jpg or other supported formats) in input, you obtain a single PDF file with an image for every page.

View the newest xkcd comic.

Add date stamp to filenames of photos by Sony Xperia camera app
Sony's Xperia camera app creates files without time-stamped names. Thus, after deleting files on the phone, the same names will be reused. When uploading the photos to a cloud storage, this means that files will be overwritten. Running this command after every sync of uploaded photos with the computer prevents this.

Repeat a command until stopped
In this case it runs the command 'curl localhost:3000/site/sha' waiting the amount of time in sleep, ie: 1 second between runs, appending each run to the console. This works well for any command where the output is less than your line width This is unlike watch, because watch always clears the display.

How To Get the Apache Document Root
Grabs the Apache config file (yielded from httpd) and returns the path specified as DocumentRoot.

list files recursively by size

Directory bookmarks
pushd and popd are your friends, but sometimes they're just incompatible with the way one works... Two shell functions: bm bookmarkname - "bookmarks" the current directory, just 'cd $BMbookmarkname' to return to it. forget bookmarkname - unsets the 'bookmarkname' variable. It isn't mandatory, they cease to exist when the session ends.

find directory with most inodes/files
Find which directory in one filesystem that contains most inodes or files.

kill some process (same as others) but parsing to a variable
Kills a process matching program. I suggest using $ pgrep -fl program to avoid over-killings Nice the following: kills all bash process owned by guest $ pkill -9 -f bash -u guest

Create Bash script to change modification time of files
Create a bash script to change the modification time for each file in 'files.txt' such that they are in the same order as in 'files.txt' File name for bash script specified by variable, 'scriptName'. It is made an executable once writing into it has been completed.

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