Feel free to put this in your ~/.profile:
random(){ cat /dev/urandom | env LC_CTYPE=C tr -dc $1 | head -c $2; echo; }
Then use it to generate passwords:
random [:alnum:] 16
Or DNA sequences:
random ACGT 256
This command is similar to the alternate, except with head(1), you can pick as many passwords as you wish to generate by changing the number of lines you wish to preview. Show Sample Output
shell generate random strong password Show Sample Output
Top 10 Memory Processes (reduced output to applications and %usage only) Show Sample Output
Must be done as root - will cause subsequent ssh connections to use the identities available via the [user]'s agent socket. Show Sample Output
Declare this function in your Shell, then use it like this:
> jumpTo foo
The script will search for the 'foo' pattern in your current xmms2 playlist (artist or songname), and play the first occurence of it !
This works on my ubuntu/debian machines. I suspect other distros need some tweaking of sort and cut. I am sure someone could provide a shorter/faster version.
Skype has an internal regex which depicts the emoticons it supports. However you cannot simply search the binary file for it. This small 181 character line will do just that, provided skype is running. And of course, only works in linux. Show Sample Output
Works recusivley in the specified dir or '.' if none given. Repeatedly calls 'find' to find a newer file, when no newer files exist you have the newest. In this case 'newest' means most recently modified. To find the most recently created change -newer to -cnewer. Show Sample Output
I'm not sure why you would want to do this, but this seems a lot simpler (easier to understand) than the version someone submitted using awk.
Uses history to get the last n+1 commands (since this command will appear as the most recent), then strips out the line number and this command using sed, and appends the commands to a file.
It grabs the PID's top resource users with $(ps -eo pid,pmem,pcpu| sort -k 3 -r|grep -v PID|head -10) The sort -k is sorting by the third field which would be CPU. Change this to 2 and it will sort accordingly. The rest of the command is just using diff to display the output of 2 commands side-by-side (-y flag) I chose some good ones for ps. pidstat comes with the sysstat package(sar, mpstat, iostat, pidstat) so if you don't have it, you should. I might should take off the timestamp... :| Show Sample Output
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