You need python-scapy package Show Sample Output
Will handle pretty much all types of CSV Files. The ^M character is typed on the command line using Ctrl-V Ctrl-M and can be replaced with any character that does not appear inside the CSV. Tips for simpler CSV files: * If newlines are not placed within a csv cell then you can replace `map(repr, r)` with r Show Sample Output
This function defines a command line calculator that handles everything pythons math module can handle, e.g. trigonometric functions, sqrt, log, erf, ... (see It even knows about the constants pi and e. Show Sample Output
Python Alternative Show Sample Output
ZenCart uses a MD5 with a salt to secure its passwords. If you need to forcibly change someone's password to a known value within the database, this one-liner can generate the password. Change the value of 'p' to the password you want. Show Sample Output
This opens a python command line. You can use math and random and float-division is enabled (without appending .0 to integers). I just don't know how to specify a standard precision.
Generate a 18 character password from character set a-zA-Z0-9 from /dev/urandom, pipe the output to Python which prints the password on standard out and in crypt sha512 form. Show Sample Output
For situations where you keep JSON in a VCS and you want your diffs to be sane, such as within a Chef configuration repo.
You need to apt-get install python-sqlparse. This command simply formats a sql query and prints it out. It is very useful when you want to move a sql query from commandline to a shell script. Everything is done locally, so you don't need to worry about copying sql query to external websites. Show Sample Output
If you tried the other Python version of Convert JSON to YAML and you end up with lines that has "!!python/unicode", this version of the command is for you.
Alternative1 (grep support): pacman -Ss python | paste - - | grep --color=always -e '/python' | less -R Alternative2 (eye-candy, no grep): pacman --color=always -Ss "python" | paste - - | less -R in ~/.bashrc: pkg-grep() { pacman -Ss "$1" | paste - - | grep --color=always -e "${2:-$1}" | less -R ; } pkg-search() { pacman --color=always -Ss "python" | paste - - | less -R; } Show Sample Output
Trace python statement execution and syscalls invoked during that simultaneously Show Sample Output
Based / Inspired by malathion's below command Is written for python3 and is very easy to use csv2json *csv will convert all files ending in csv to json eg csv2json file.csv will output a file to file.json Validity of json tested in python3 and below site
Want to show something on your machine to someone over the web? Don't copy it or upload it somewhere. Just run "webshare" and the current directory and everything beneath it will be served from a new web server listening on port 8000. When your pal is finished, hit control-c. Found at
for e.g.
srchpymod cairo Surface
['ImageSurface', 'PDFSurface', 'PSSurface', 'SVGSurface', 'Surface', 'SurfacePattern', 'XlibSurface']
Show Sample Output
One can test their python regex matching using this shell function.
for e.g.
rgx_match "translate\s*\(([0-9-.]+),([0-9-.]+)\)" "translate(162.11517,76.817357)"
('162.11517', '76.817357')
When need to pack the ZODB...
Just a small hack for ruby's environment.rb Show Sample Output
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