Commands tagged ps (86)

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run remote linux desktop
First of all you need to run this command. X :12.0 vt12 2>&1 >/dev/null & This command will open a X session on 12th console. And it will show you blank screen. Now press Alt + Ctrl + F7. You will get your original screen. Now run given command "xterm -display :12.0 -e ssh -X user@remotesystem &". After this press Alt + Ctrl + F12. You will get a screen which will ask you for password for remote linux system. And after it you are done. You can open any window based application of remote system on your desktop. Press Alt + Ctrl + F7 for getting original screen.

Find usb device in realtime
Using this command you can track a moment when usb device was attached.

String to binary
Cool but useless.

Quickly ping range of IP adresses and return only those that are online
Tested in Debian, ymmv. - c 1 : send only one ping;; -W 1: wait for one second and then exit ping, assuming target IP is not available; change as needed (-W 0.5 for half a second, smaller or greater value depending on network speed/latency)

Numbers guessing game
Felt like I need to win the lottery, and wrote this command so I train and develop my guessing abilities.

Download all manuals RedHat 7 (CentOS/Fedora) with one command in Linux

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Find all active ip's in a subnet
nmap for windows and other platforms is available on developer's site: nmap is robust tool with many options and has various output modes - is the best (imho) tool out there.. from nmap 5.21 man page: -oN/-oX/-oS/-oG : Output scan in normal, XML, s|

simple backup with rsync
With this cron, rsync begins to sinchronize the contents of the local directory on /[VIPdirectory] with the directory /backup/[VIPdirectory] on the remote server X.X.X.X. Previously we need working on public/private-keys ssh to guarantee the acces to the remote server on X.X.X.X

ps -ef | grep PROCESS | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
kills all pids matching the search term of "PROCESS". Be careful what you wish for :)

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