'data' is the directory to backup, 'backup' is directory to store snapshots. Backup files on a regular basis using hard links. Very efficient, quick. Backup data is directly available. Same as explained here : http://blog.interlinked.org/tutorials/rsync_time_machine.html in one line. Using du to check the size of your backups, the first backup counts for all the space, and other backups only files that have changed. Show Sample Output
Faster then other method using wget
For obtain all commands use
nu=`curl http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/browse |grep -o "Terminal - All commands -.*results$" | grep -oE "[[:digit:],]{4,}" | sed 's/,//'`;
curl http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/browse/sort-by-votes/plaintext/[0-"$nu":25] | grep -vE "_curl_|\.com by David" > clf-ALL.txt
For more version specific
nu=`curl http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/browse |grep -o "Terminal - All commands -.*results$" | grep -oE "[[:digit:],]{4,}" | sed 's/,//'`;
curl http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/browse/sort-by-votes/plaintext/[0-"$nu":25] | grep -vE "_curl_|\.com by David" > clf-ALL_"$nu".txt
Also download dirctly from my dropbox
My drop box invitaion link is http://db.tt/sRdJWvQq . Use it and get free 2.5 GB space.
Show Sample Output
"Sample output" shows a minimalistic configuration file. Show Sample Output
Use tar command for a backup info with a date of creation Show Sample Output
creates a compressed tar archive of files in /path/foo and writes to a timestamped filename in /path.
Dumps a compressed svn backup to a file, and emails the files along with any messages as the body of the email
These re the best option combination that works fine for compressing my database dumps. It's possible that there are another option or value that might improve the compression ratio, by these are the ones that worked, the syntax for 7zr it's a little messy...
Clone a root partition. The reason for double-mounting the root device is to avoid any filesystem overlay issues. This is particularly important for /dev. Also, note the importance of the trailing slashes on the paths when using rsync (search the man page for "slash" for more details). rsync and bash add several subtle nuances to path handling; using trailing slashes will effectively mean "clone this directory", even when run multiple times. For example: run once to get an initial copy, and then run again in single user mode just before rebooting into the new disk. Using file globs (which miss dot-files) or leaving off the trailing slash with rsync (which will create /mnt/target/root) are traps that are easy to fall into.
Finally, we can make the file "unchangeable" sudo chattr +i
Backup a whole directory copying only updated files.
Appends the input file with the date format YYYY-MM-DD.bak. Also runs silently if you remove the -v on the cp at the end of the function.
When need to pack the ZODB...
The command as given would create the file "/result_path/result.tar.gz" with the contents of the target folder including permissions and sub- folder structure. Show Sample Output
(FreeBSD) Once you've made the snapshot you can resume any stopped services and then back up the file system (using the snapshot) without having to worry about changed files. When finished, the snapshot can be removed : umount /mnt mdconfig -d -u 1 rm /var/.snap/snap_var_`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`
"infix" version in bash (4.x+) Remove -v to make it silent. BTW: The OP forgot to use "cat" and "nmap" ;-) I had a good laugh though. Show Sample Output
even shorter (infix) version. Show Sample Output
cloning root filesystem without suffering to possible interruptions. useful when moving a running system to a new partition. also works as a solid backup solution.
This will make a backup of all hidden files and folders in the home folder.
this one works on user crontab
It eases the way of creating cron jobs of backup scripts. Just put this line as cron job, and all your backups are called sequentially. Allows you to forget, when in time, call this backup, just focus on your scripting. Also maintains the way of calling a single backup script when It's needed.
Back up /etc directory with a name based on the current date and the hostname of the machine, then chown the file for the current user for use.
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