Entire command: sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -cpu host -M q35 -m 2G -smp 4 --bios /usr/share/edk2/ovmf/OVMF_CODE.fd -drive id=cdrom,file=/dev/sr1,if=none,media=cdrom,format=raw,readonly=on -drive id=disk,file=/dev/md126,if=none,format=raw -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=cdrom -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=disk -device VGA,vgamem_mb=64,xres=800,yres=600
Default volume group in Ubuntu is ubuntu-vg and the logical volume is ubuntu-lv, so the provided command will resize the disk to utilize 100% of the available space. Show Sample Output
Sort disk usage from directories in the current directory Show Sample Output
Using the --table-truncate ( -T ) option, you can specify the columns you will allow to be truncated. This helps when you have some columns that are unusually long, or a small terminal window. In this example we will print out the /etc/passwd file in columns. We are using a colon as our separator ( -s: ), defining that we want table output ( -t ), defining the column names ( -N ) and allowing the column NAME to be truncated ( -T ). Show Sample Output
Read all lines using decimal marker as point, then add all them up and outputs the result. Show Sample Output
Given a requirements.txt file with unpinned package names, output the packages pinned to the latest version. Handy to copy/paste back into your requirements.txt when you start a new project. Note that this will download packages but not install them. Show Sample Output
See the flight information from the CLI Use as a SH file or function, like: `./flight.sh os 336` Show Sample Output
Check out Gate number for your flight from CLI with Chrome, html2texgt and grep. Works on Arch Linux (Garuda) and probably will work on others. Requirements: * google chrome (might work with chromium as well) * installed html2text (on archlinux: sudo pacman -S python-html2text) * installed grep (comes by default with your OS) * the gate number should be visible at the given website (it's not existent too early before the flight and also disappears after the flight departed) Please don't forget to replace the link to appropriate one, matching your flight. You can also wrap this into something like `whlie true; do ...; sleep 60; done' and this will check and tell you the gate number maximum in 1 minute after it appears on Avinor website. Show Sample Output
A python3 tool that can be installed with the following command pip3 install gif-for-cli --user
Run a command as soon as another long-running command finishes. E.g. suspend the machine after performing apt upgrade. The process is selected interactively via fzf.
To revert back to Kali's original desktop. Just redo the same command with no options .
Just note that ctrl+shift+t to make new tabs will not work with . Pair it with a terminal multiplexer like for the best experience.
Some of us have both Macs *and* Linux machines — so it makes sense to know how to run this command on the former in the event that a botched reinstallation renders the latter unbootable.
Lower PowerShell priority, so that to launch processes in the background and work normally with other applications Show Sample Output
Especially good for exported ipython files Show Sample Output
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