pcspkr have to be enabled! modprobe pcspkr xset b on
For use when you can't use "watch" (user-defined functions, aliases). This isn't mine - its an alternate posted in the comments by flatcap, and is the shortest and easiest to remember.
Simply add this to whatever apache startup script you have, or if you are on a MAC, create a new automator application. This will show a pretty growl notification whenever theres a new Apache error log entry. Useful for local development
perl version of "Wait for file to stop changing" When "FileName" has not been changed for last 10 seconds, then print "DONE" "10" in "(stat)[10]" means ctime. One have other options like atime, mtime and others. http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/stat.html
Recent versions of dd provides status flag. Setting that flag to progress shows progress in realtime.
The effect is achieved by moving odd-numbered lines from right to left and even-numbered lines from left to right. For odd-numbered lines (with an index j), the ((j + i) % 2 == 0) condition is satisfied. In this case, the line width is set to i, resulting in the line moving from left to right. For even-numbered lines, the ((j + i) % 2 == 0) condition is not satisfied. The line width is set to $(tput cols) - i, causing the line to move from right to left. This alternating direction of movement creates a twisted visual effect as the lines appear to move in opposite directions. The code runs in a continuous loop, repeatedly updating the lines with changing background colors. There is a slight pause of 0.05 seconds between each iteration to control the speed of the animation.
The '[r]' is to avoid grep from grepping itself. (interchange 'r' by the appropriate letter)
Here is an example that I use a lot (as root or halt will not work):
while (ps -ef | grep [w]get); do sleep 10; done; sleep 60; halt
I add the 'sleep 60' command just in case something went wrong; so that I have time to cancel.
Very useful if you are going to bed while downloading something and do not want your computer running all night.
Very useful for test a script. After launch this command, you only have to press ENTER for launch your script again. I work with screen and tape ENTER instead of '!!'+ENTER If you break your script with CTRL-C, it will wait for press ENTER and will re-launch You can write like it : while read -p "Press ENTER" ; do python ; done
all files in the directory get moved, in doing so the new name of the file is the original name with out spaces (using translate command)
If you need to fix a randomly failing test (race condition), you need to run it until you get that hard-to-reproduce failure. Show Sample Output
You can use this to loop any command to periodically see the output.
while true; do [YOUR COMMAND HERE]; sleep [# of seconds]; done;
Alternatively, you can put it in a simple shell script to save typing!
while true; do $1; sleep $2; done;
/path/to/script.sh "ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr:'" 60
Show Sample Output
Takes filenames and directory names and replace space to '_'.
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