Commands matching memory (148)

  • 4
    ps auxf | grep httpd | grep -v grep | grep -v defunct | awk '{sum=sum+$6}; END {print sum/1024}'
    empulse · 2009-04-29 17:43:52 32
  • see what's in your memory right now... sometimes you find passwords, account numbers and url's that were recently used. Anyone have a safe command to clear the memory without rebooting?

    hexdump -e '90/1 "%_p" "\n"' /dev/mem | less
    copremesis · 2009-05-12 16:20:57 11
  • Display the amount of memory used by all the httpd processes. Great in case you are being Slashdoted!

    ps -o rss -C httpd | tail -n +2 | (sed 's/^/x+=/'; echo x) | bc
    ricardoarguello · 2009-07-31 15:15:08 9
  • Monitor with watch command and vmstat, memory usage Show Sample Output

    watch vmstat -sSM
    servermanaged · 2009-12-04 22:35:45 6
  • [ 2000 -ge "$(free -m | awk '/buffers.cache:/ {print $4}')" ] returns true if less than 2000 MB of RAM are available, so adjust this number to your needs. [ $(echo "$(uptime | awk '{print $10}' | sed -e 's/,$//' -e 's/,/./') >= $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)" | bc) -eq 1 ] returns true if the current machine load is at least equal to the number of CPUs. If either of the tests returns true we wait 10 seconds and check again. If both tests return false, i.e. 2GB are available and machine load falls below number of CPUs, we start our command and save it's output in a text file. The ( ( ... ) & ) construct lets the command run in background even if we log out. See .

    ( ( while [ 2000 -ge "$(free -m | awk '/buffers.cache:/ {print $4}')" ] || [ $(echo "$(uptime | awk '{print $10}' | sed -e 's/,$//' -e 's/,/./') >= $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)" | bc) -eq 1 ]; do sleep 10; done; my-command > output.txt ) & )
    michelsberg · 2010-07-13 09:12:11 3
  • Loop is needed if you have more then one card. Show Sample Output

    for I in `/sbin/lspci |awk '/VGA/{print $1}'`;do /sbin/lspci -v -s $I;done
    houghi · 2010-10-26 19:02:26 6
  • Reads stdin, and outputs each line only once - without sorting ahead of time. This does use more memory than your system's sort utility.

    perl -ne 'print if !$a{$_}++'
    doherty · 2011-02-17 02:18:44 7

  • 4
    for line in `docker ps | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v CONTAINER`; do docker ps | grep $line | awk '{printf $NF" "}' && echo $(( `cat /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/docker/$line*/memory.usage_in_bytes` / 1024 / 1024 ))MB ; done
    sammcj · 2014-09-24 04:37:01 10
  • This command will add up RAM usage of all processes whose name contains "java" and output the sum of percentages in HRF. Also, unlike the original #15430, it wont fail on processes with a usage of >9.9%. Pleases note that this command wont work reliably in use cases where a significant portion of processes involved are using less than 0.1% of RAM, because they will be counted as "0", even though a great number of them could add up to significant amounts. Show Sample Output

    ps -eo pmem,comm | grep java | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum " % of RAM"}'
    bugmenot · 2016-02-10 09:00:56 16

  • 3
    ps aux | awk '{sum+=$6} END {print sum/1024}'
    darkon1365 · 2009-02-16 12:10:00 125
  • This command will show the 20 processes using the most CPU time (hungriest at the bottom). You can see the 20 most memory intensive processes (hungriest at the bottom) by running: ps aux | sort +3n | tail -20 Or, run both: echo "CPU:" && ps aux | sort +2n | tail -20 && echo "Memory:" && ps aux | sort +3n | tail -20

    ps aux | sort +2n | tail -20
    dopeman · 2009-03-31 12:03:34 10

  • 3
    sudo dmidecode -t 5,16
    Dark006 · 2009-05-22 01:17:22 9
  • Uses logger in a while loop to log memory statistics frequently into the local syslog server.

    while true; do { $(which logger) -p local4.notice `free -m | grep Mem`; sleep 60; } done &
    Neo23x0 · 2009-06-22 00:29:53 7
  • This command basically adds up all of the individual instances processes and gives you a grand total for used memory in that instance alone.

    ps axo rss,comm | awk '{sum+=$1; print $1/1024, "MB - ", $2} END {print "\nTotal RAM Used: ", sum/1024, "MB\n"}'
    johnss · 2010-02-18 12:05:45 7
  • It is helpful to know the current limits placed on your account, and using this shortcut is a quick way to figuring out which values to change for optimization or security. Alias is: alias ulimith="command ulimit -a|sed 's/^.*\([a-z]\))\(.*\)$/-\1\2/;s/^/ulimit /'|tr '\n' ' ';echo" Here's the result of this command: ulimit -c 0 -d unlimited -e 0 -f unlimited -i 155648 -l 32 -m unlimited -n 8192 -p 8 -q 819200 -r 0 -s 10240 -t unlimited -u unlimited -v unlimited -x unlimited ulimit -a core file size (blocks, -c) 0 data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited scheduling priority (-e) 0 file size (blocks, -f) unlimited pending signals (-i) 155648 max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 32 max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited open files (-n) 8192 pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8 POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200 real-time priority (-r) 0 stack size (kbytes, -s) 10240 cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited max user processes (-u) unlimited virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited file locks (-x) unlimited Show Sample Output

    echo "ulimit `ulimit -a|sed -e 's/^.*\([a-z]\))\(.*\)$/-\1\2/'|tr "\n" ' '`"
    AskApache · 2010-03-12 06:46:54 4
  • Prints the top 10 memory consuming processes (with children and instances aggregated) sorted by total RSS and calculates the percentage of total RAM each uses. Please note that since RSS can include shared libraries it is possible for the percentages to add up to more that the total amount of RAM, but this still gives you a pretty good idea. Also note that this does not work with the mawk version of awk, but it works fine with GNU Awk which is on most Linux systems. It also does not work on OS X. Show Sample Output

    TR=`free|grep Mem:|awk '{print $2}'`;ps axo rss,comm,pid|awk -v tr=$TR '{proc_list[$2]+=$1;} END {for (proc in proc_list) {proc_pct=(proc_list[proc]/tr)*100; printf("%d\t%-16s\t%0.2f%\n",proc_list[proc],proc,proc_pct);}}'|sort -n |tail -n 10
    d34dh0r53 · 2010-03-27 01:34:50 7
  • Here we instead show a more real figure for how much free RAM you have when taking into consideration buffers that can be freed if needed. Unix machines leave data in memory but marked it free to overwrite, so using the first line from the "free" command will mostly give you back a reading showing you are almost out of memory, but in fact you are not, as the system can free up memory as soon as it is needed. I just noticed the free command is not on my OpenBSD box. Show Sample Output

    free -m | awk '/buffer/ {print $4}'
    DaveQB · 2010-06-27 23:30:27 7
  • sort is way slow by default. This tells sort to use a buffer equal to half of the available free memory. It also will use multiple process for the sort equal to the number of cpus on your machine (if greater than 1). For me, it is magnitudes faster. If you put this in your bash_profile or startup file, it will be set correctly when bash is started. sort -S1 --parallel=2 <(echo) &>/dev/null && alias sortfast='sort -S$(($(sed '\''/MemF/!d;s/[^0-9]*//g'\'' /proc/meminfo)/2048)) $([ `nproc` -gt 1 ]&&echo -n --parallel=`nproc`)' Alternative echo|sort -S10M --parallel=2 &>/dev/null && alias sortfast="command sort -S$(($(sed '/MemT/!d;s/[^0-9]*//g' /proc/meminfo)/1024-200)) --parallel=$(($(command grep -c ^proc /proc/cpuinfo)*2))" Show Sample Output

    alias sortfast='sort -S$(($(sed '\''/MemF/!d;s/[^0-9]*//g'\'' /proc/meminfo)/2048)) $([ `nproc` -gt 1 ]&&echo -n --parallel=`nproc`)'
    AskApache · 2012-02-28 01:34:58 6
  • Finding high memory usage report in human readable format. Show Sample Output

    ps -eo size,pid,user,command --sort -size |awk '{hr[1024**2]="GB";hr[1024]="MB";for (x=1024**3; x>=1024; x/=1024){if ($1>=x){printf ("%-6.2f %s ", $1/x, hr[x]);break}}}{printf ("%-6s %-10s ", $2, $3)}{for (x=4;x<=NF;x++){printf ("%s ",$x)} print ("\n")}'
    rockon · 2012-11-27 04:29:08 11
  • It displays the top 10 processes sorted by memory usage Show Sample Output

    ps aux | sort -rk 4,4 | head -n 10
    x3mboy · 2019-09-26 16:37:33 91
  • Useful if you have to put some mp3 files into mobile devices (ie mobile phones with no much memory)

    lame --mp3input -m m --resample 24 input.mp3
    Giancarlo · 2009-05-22 13:58:03 3

  • 2
    sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
    lunarblu · 2009-08-20 17:28:56 7
  • If you set noclobber to on, bash won't allow redirection to overwrite existing files . set -o noclobber command turn the option on (default it s off ) . You can still append information but not overwrite the file .to turn it back off use : $ set +o noclobber . I use it because i overwrite a file by accident , after thought , content of the file was very important , creating a one more file mean nothing for my hard disk (we are not anymore on the 64 k memory time) , but content of file is far much important . What we call exeprience :( Show Sample Output

    set -o noclobber
    eastwind · 2010-01-08 21:06:44 7
  • I've wanted this for a long time, finally just sat down and came up with it. This shows you the sorted output of ps in a pretty format perfect for cron or startup scripts. You can sort by changing the k -vsz to k -pmem for example to sort by memory instead. If you want a function, here's one from my aa_top_ps(){ local T N=${1:-10};T=${2:-vsz}; ps wwo pid,user,group,vsize:8,size:8,sz:6,rss:6,pmem:7,pcpu:7,time:7,wchan,sched=,stat,flags,comm,args k -${T} -A|sed -u "/^ *PID/d;${N}q"; } Show Sample Output

    command ps wwo pid,user,group,vsize:8,size:8,sz:6,rss:6,pmem:7,pcpu:7,time:7,wchan,sched=,stat,flags,comm,args k -vsz -A|sed -u '/^ *PID/d;10q'
    AskApache · 2010-05-18 18:41:38 6
  • probably only works if you have one graphics card. used this: as reference can be expanded, for example: lspci -v -s `lspci | awk '/VGA/{print $1}'` | sed -n '/Memory.*, prefetchable/s/.*\[size=\([^]]\+\)\]/\1/p' will just get the amount of prefetchable memory compare to: lshw -C display which does not give the size (it does give byte ranges and you could calculate the size from that, but that's a pain) Also uses a command which is not standard on linux; wheras lspci is a core utility provided by most systems Show Sample Output

    lspci -v -s `lspci | awk '/VGA/{print $1}'`
    infinull · 2010-10-26 17:45:14 9
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Append stdout and stderr to a file, and print stderr to the screen [bash]
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