Useful for download mulitple files Show Sample Output
generate playlists from youtube ( or othre things that support yt-dlp) Show Sample Output
Rust kernel development needs a far different setup than most projects — so by passing these flags to rustup-init, you can ensure that you’ll have a Rust toolchain that will work on your system with little, if any, effort.
Outputs utf-8 smileys Show Sample Output
Old cron doesn't allow periods
Use libcaca to render ascii chars on the webcam input... or don't.
Although the need to type a password to make certain changes to the system may make perfect sense in a business or educational environment, it makes absolutely zero sense to the home user. So, if you’re at home and would rather get work done than be annoyed by what is essentially Linux’s UAC, then this command is for you.
an alternative to this one with only 2 processes
This version won't reconnect if you exit the ssh connection with a non-zero exit code. ConnectTimeout and sleep values knobs for how long to wait for each retry.
Kernel developers might need to know what indices to map to the IOAPIC if building a new kernel from scratch. This command gives users a guide to go off of.
Recursively compares files in directories DIR and OLD_FILES using dwdiff Word-by-word comparison with dwdiff results in words unique to NEW file versions in the DIR directory tree shown enclosed in [- SQUARE BRACKETS -] and words unique to OLD file versions in the OLD_FILES directory tree shown enclosed in {+ CURLY BRACES +} Note: does not detect files unique to the OLD_FILES directory tree. Show Sample Output
This oneliner uses Imagemagic's identify utility to show the exif GPS information of an image an also converts Grad/MIn/Sec representation to a decimal degree number Show Sample Output
This is a standard procedure for me, whenever I set up a new Raspberry Pi system. Because the default user is "pi", I quickly replace it with my own (e.g. "kostis"), but I have to substitute that user to all of pi's groups first, before deleting the default account. xargs helps a lot with that in a single line, while avoiding boring "for" loops. For everything trickier, there's always "parallel" :)
Alternatively, the kernel provides a script to cleanly compare two config files even if the options have moved in the file itself: /usr/src/linux/scripts/diffconfig .config.old .config
Because Mac app bundles contain everything in one place, it makes running them from anywhere, including from a device such as a USB flash drive or external HDD, possible. So if your Mac has a mere 256GB of storage (as mine does), you can free up large quantities of disk space by storing apps like, say, Xcode on external devices. is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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